Publicly appointed and certified expert on screeds and floor coverings
Your screed, floor covering or floor construction in general is faulty and shows signs of damage? You are looking for an expert to help you out? I would be pleased to visit you on site and examine the floor in its surroundings. If necessary, I have other experts on hand to take floor or screed samples and take them to the lab by my order and for my account. On the basis of the examination results I will write a report for you or your insurance company, establishing a connection between the damage and its causes and explaining it in detail. At your request I can suggest adequate repair measures, too.
As an architect I am not only concerned with floor constructions in particular, but also with physical aspects such as moisture protection or water vapour diffusion. In this context mistakes are often made at the planning stage or by the supervisory staff. That is why I frequently support architects, contractors and supervisors if any floor-related questions should arise beforehand.
As an expert appointed by the Chamber of Crafts I am all too familiar with the daily business of laying screeds and floor coverings. As an architect I am able to assess planning implications and as author of the FLOOR MANUAL I am concerned with clarifying and avoiding damage to screeds and floor coverings.
Well aware of the fact that in a case of damage often every hour or day counts, I try to be flexible timewise and will be on site at short notice. Expert’s opinions will be delivered as soon as all relevant findings have been sifted.
Owner of the engineering firm for floor and screed technology

- Author of the FLOOR MANUAL (written in German)
- University degrees in ‘Architecture’ and ‘Structural and Indoor Engineering’
- Owner of three companies, specialized in the laying of screeds and floor coverings
- Specialist journalist and author of numerous articles on screed- and floor-related topics
- Known as author of the column ‘Dr Estrich’ (‘Dr Screed’)
- Lecturer at several building academies, chambers and universities
- Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian
- Developer of RenoScreed®, an energy-saving screed particularly suitable for the refurbishment of buildings
- Member of the DIN standards committee on screeds (Sp CEN/TC 303)
- Chairperson of the floor experts circle
Membership in these institutions: | |
Core competence: |
Extra: |
Languages: |
A. Unger, PhD, is author of the FLOOR MANUAL, the German standard reference book on the correct planning and laying of screeds and floor coverings. It is intended as a book by an architect for architects and anybody else interested in floors.
For his doctoral dissertation A. Unger, PhD, developed an energy-saving screed particularly suitable for the refurbishment of buildings. It is a cementitious screed showing the following special properties:
Extremely thin and light-weight, energy-saving, high load-bearing capacity, reduced shrinkage, open to water vapour diffusion, fast-drying, non-flammable, sustainable and environment-friendly, complying with low emission standards, recyclable, etc.
For more detailed information see
If you are interested in my giving a lecture or a seminar in your region or on your premises, please note the list of possible topics below.
Of course you can also pick any topic dealt with in the FLOOR MANUAL.
To arrange an appointment please contact A.Unger, PhD.
Suggested topics for lectures by A. Unger
- “Screed on wooden beam floors – never again??”
This lecture deals with different floor constructions
that can be applied to wooden beam floors. It especially focuses
on possible dangers and technical particularities of various floor types. - “Cracks in silicon joints – a planning mistake or a foreseeable constructional defect?”
This lecture explains why cracks keep appearing in elastic joints
and presents ways of minimizing floor deformation. - “And what happens to all the water in the concrete slab?”
This lecture is concerned with the residual water locked in unfinished concrete
and points to typical defects connected with it. In addition, ways of minimizing or avoiding defects
due to residual water in the concrete slab are shown. - “Reinforcement of screeds”
This lecture gives advice on when and how to use reinforced screed.
Furthermore, different reinforcement techniques are presented. - “Thermal insulation in floor constructions”
This lecture presents all sorts of insulating materials and explains which thickness
is necessary to reach a certain heat transition coefficient.
Construction types according to German regulations on saving energy are illustrated. - “Examples of damage and defects from an expert’s practical experience”
This lecture focuses on case studies that are dealt with in detail
and are illustrated by appropriate pictures. Possible remedies are suggested. - “Damage due to condensate in floor constructions”
Typical cases are described in which inadequate thermal insulation has led
to the precipitation of condensate within the floor construction.
Moreover, measures necessary to avoid this phenomenon are explained. - “Damp-proof membranes in floor constructions”
This lecture introduces various ways of proofing in floor constructions
and shows how a proofing should be made to meet the German Industrial Standard (DIN).
Alternative methods are also explained. - “Planning floor constructions”
This lecture aims at giving planners advice on the appropriate construction of floors
taking into account the following aspects:
- Examination of the basis and preliminary work
- Adapting the floor construction to the expected load
- Incompatibilities between different materials
- Planning of joints - “Points to observe when planning and laying heated screeds”
Points to observe when planning and laying heated floor constructions are illustrated.
Special emphasis is put on expansion and its constraints, bays and correct heating. - “Different kinds of screed”
This lecture presents different types of screed and explains their particular advantages
and disadvantages as well as their respective range of application. - “Outdoor floor constructions”
It is explained how outdoor floor constructions (e.g. on balconies or terraces) can be made.
Necessities such as damp-proof or geotextile membranes are dealt with. - “Creation of joints by means of appropriate profiles”
This lecture explains the use of suitable floor profiles for various joint types. - “The use of accelerated screeds”
Which accelerated screed systems are there?
Which results can be expected?
What are the dangers? - “Deformation in floor constructions”
What do typical forms of deformation in floor constructions
look like and how can they be minimized? - “Refurbishment techniques in old buildings”
This lecture stresses the particular situation of floor constructions in old buildings
that are to be redone and gives advice on adequate refurbishment techniques.
Lectures at the following institutions and companies:
- Akademie Quo Vadis
- Akademie der Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen gGmbH
- Allgemeine Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Chemnitz
- Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg
- Architektenkammer Bayern
- Architektenkammer Sachsen
- Architektenkammer Thüringen
- Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen
- Ausbildungszentrum der bayerischen Bauindustrie Stockdorf
- Bauberatung Zement
- Bauhaus Akademie Schloss Ettersburg gGmbH
- Bauschädenforum in Rottach-Egern
- Bautechnik-Forum Chemnitz
- Bayerische BauAkademie
- Belfor-Relectronic GmbH
- Berufsförderungsverein des baden-württembergischen Stuckateurhandwerks
- Betonmarketing Süd
- Bund Deutscher Baumeister
- BVS Landesverband Baden-Württemberg der ö.b.u.v. sowie qualifizierten Sachverständigen e. V.
- Chemsta
- Deutsche Rockwool Mineralwoll GmbH & Co. OHG
- DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.
- Dozent an der Hochschule
- Dr. Weiss & Partner GmbH Ingenieurakademie BW
- Dreßler Bau GmbH
- Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG
- Fritz Eichbauer Bauunternehmung
- GN Bauphysik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
- Haus der Technik
- Heinrich Schmid GmbH & Co. KG
- Hochschule München
- House of Training, Luxembourg
- HSG Hochbau – und Sanierungs -Gesellschaft mbH
- Ingenieurkammer Sachsen-Anhalt
- Ingenieurkammer Thüringen
- Jökel Bau GmbH & Co. KG Bauunternehmen
- Karl Krämer GmbH & Co.
- Kraft Baustoffe GmbH
- Landesinnung Oberösterreich der Bodenleger
- Mapei GmbH
- Maxit Deutschland GmbH
- MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co.
- Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe – Bundesbau Baden-Württemberg
- Objekteure im Forum GmbH & Co. KG – Netzwerk Boden
- PCI Augsburg GmbH
- QV Fussboden – Die Bodenprofis
- Rehau Akademie BAU
- Röfix AG
- Schwitzke & Partner GmbH
- SSB Spezial Seminare Bau GmbH
- Technische Akademie Esslingen
- Trotec oHG
- Uzin Utz AG
- VBD – Verband der Bausachverständigen Deutschlands
- VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
- Verband der österreichischen Estrichhersteller
- Weitzer Parkett
- Wolff & Müller Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Xella Trockenbau-Systeme GmbH
Some examples of building projects I accompanied as an expert and consultant:
The following feedback is based on both, Alexander Unger’s performance in seminars and his work as an expert on floorings and screeds.
Claudia Zuschlag, Interior designer, Darmstadt
Please use our contact form –
We are there for you:
Industriestrasse 12
D - 86609 Donauwoerth / Germany